7 years old boy came with sudden onset of episodes consisting of fright followed by unresponsiveness during sleep at night as well as during afternoon naps.
These episodes were multiple lasting for few minutes with drowsiness post these episodes. EEG & MRI was advised, EEG showed findings consistent with frontal lobe epilepsy.
MRI was normal.
The child was started on one drug for Epilepsy. These episodes reduced in frequency but were persistent. So, the child was started on another anticonvulsant medication. After this second medication, the child became seizure-free.
frontal lobe epilepsy in childhood
- seizures brief/ at Dunia sleep and frequent.
usually poorly understood as seizures are very atypical
-age of onset – 15yrs
-presents as screaming episodes frighteningly stiffening/
keeping of legs is sleep.
Hence we understood sleep disturbances psychiatric problems, night terrors
-Long term video EEG helps to identify epileptiform discharges
-MRI often normal
-serene control may be default with only medication
-may even require epilepsy sing.
-It-Important to do MRI to find the secondary cause for epilepsy line I developmental malformation or tumor.